Revelation 12:11a

They have conquered him by the Blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony.



I am looking for your testimony, here is how you can participate:

-  I want to share testimonials that glorify God.

-  I  would love to share your testimonies about what Chayil Flags have meant to you personally.

-  I would love to share testimonials about how God used you with your Chayil Flags.



Email me here to share your testimonies regarding Chayil Flags.

(Keep testimony short and to the point and you can add a photo of you using them).

Testimony #1

The first "Revival" flag I made, God told me to give it away to someone He would show me.  I was at a conference and God showed me the lady (Patricia) I had to bless with the flag. At the time I did not even know her.  I was obedient and gave the flag to her and she told me that the previous night Prophet Stacey Campbell prophecied over her that she would go to India and release revival. The flag was a confirmation. Soon after receiving the flag she ordered another revival  flag so that it would be a pair.  Even though they are slightly different they do declare what they are called for.....REVIVAL!!! Patricia is passionate about Praying and Declaring REVIVAL over Nations.



Testimony #3

Hey. I received the PRAYING for REVIVAL T-Shirt and wore it at my House of Prayer Zoom Meeting where we do pray for Revival! It's great. Love it! So appropriate too.  Thank you so much. Patricia



Testimony #2

5 years prior to Nola ordering her flags, she was in a season of much difficulty. She felt really alone and often went on walks through a bushland near her.  One morning was very special when she found a little green butterfly on the ground.  She felt the Holy Spirit say to her that she will be made new, like the transformation from caterpillar into a butterfly. Nola went to a conference at Victory Family Center in Kwinana where she saw a lady dancing with "wings". She got the email of her and contacted me. She allowed the Holy Spirit to be the creator through me. I made her the flags (wings) and named it Oasis of Peace as per Holy Spirit instruction. She paid for normal post but when I got to the counter in the Post Office  the Holy Spirit said to do Express Delivery.  I was obedient and paid the extra and off they went. The next day Nola contacted me and was so happy because the flags have arrived on her 80th birthday.  Then she informed me that the name of the flags are also what she calls her patio and the fact that I called it "wings" was also a confirmation for her because God has been talking to her about butterflies. I love how God is in the details.  Since receiving her "wings" she and a friend, Miho, has started exercise with banners at an aged care. God has completely transformed Nola.  Taken her from depression to completely free. I love how God moves and inspires and also confirms.  Glory to GOD always.