Where did it all start?


I have been worshipping with flags for the past 12 years. I began making my own worship flags and the demand for them grew so quickly I realized I needed to make many more to meet the demand. This was confirmed after a vision I had during a 24 hour prayer when I got the answer very clearly and started to make them for others.


It is only recently that Flags@Ignite became "Chayil Flags".  I prayed for months for a powerful name for the flags that would speak loudly and have a powerful meaning. Then one morning I woke up from a dream hearing the word "Chayil" clearly. I eagerly searched up the meaning and was blown away.....


The Meaning of Chayil:


The word "Chayil" is a Hebrew word meaning valour, wealth, power, strength, worthy, force, mighty, army and war.

How to pronounce "Chayil"


The root word of  "Chayil" is "chuwl" (Khool) which means to twist or to whirl (in a circular motion), specifically to DANCE.

How to pronounce "Chuwl"

I Believe


I believe in the One True God (YHWH) - who is a triune Godhead, Fahter (Abbah), Son (Yeshua Hamashiach) and Holy Spirit (Ruach Hakodesh).

I believe that the Word of God (The Bible) is God-breathed and that it is to equip us. (2 Timothy 3:16-17)

I believe that Jesus (Yeshua Hamashiach) is the Son of God (Mark 1:11). I believe He was crucified and overcome death and on the 3rd day rose again and is now sitting at the right hand of God the Father (Abbah) where He is making intercession for us.(Romans 8:34)

I believe that the Father send the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of TRUTH to guide us in all truth. (John 16:13)

I believe that we are called to raise our banners (flags) and shout for joy because Yeshua has already succeeded in victory on Calvary. (Psalm 20:5 TPT)

I believe that we are called to worship God only (Luke 4:8) and to worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. (John 4:24)

I believe we are called to go and make disciples and baptize them in the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.  (Matthew 28:19-20)


Vision of Chayil Flags


- to teach on when, where and how to use your flags and most importantly the WHY we flag.

- to empower worshippers to worship God in their unique way, so that they can worship God in Spirit and in TRUTH.

- to inspire others to use flags (according to Psalm 20:5) to come boldly before the throne of Grace (Hebrews 4:16).

- to connect with other worshippers and support their events.

- to go to the nations, God opens the doors for.

- to  pray for the  nations, to inspire and teach them about flags.

- to be serving in my local Church.



Amanda Byliefeldt (Founder)


I am the sole owner and the designer of Chayil Flags and Faith T-Shirts. I have a blazing passion for worshipping with flags.  I embrace the call on my life to equip others to brave the unknown and do the same. I take great pleasure in the process of making flags and faith T-Shirts with the Holy Spirit (Ruach Hakodesh).  I am a prophetic intercessor. A wife to an amazing husband and I am a mom to 2 young men. The desire of my heart is to usher others into the Throne Room of God, to experience the unconditional love of Abbah Father.