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Prophetic Art


Watch this space for coming art pieces. I am creating a space where different art pieces will be displayed and it will also be for sale. Worship is not just singing or dancing but we can worship God through creative arts too.


Are you looking for a birthday gift or just something different for that someone special that has everything. Look no further.  These pieces are unique in every way. One of a kind.

The word for worship in the Greek is "Proskuneo" and it means "to kiss or blow kisses".

Worship is not just music;  it is much more than that, it is a lifestyle. Worship God; blow Him kisses -  whether it is with your voice, a drumstick, a paint brush, through dance or cleaning your house. Let your heart be tuned into Him in everything you do.


"Worship is an act of obedience of the heart.  It is a response that requires the very core of who you are, to love the Lord for who He is, not just for what He does." *Darlene Zschech*

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